Short Dresses Versus Long Dresses
Short Dresses Versus Long Dresses
Long dresses have been the tradition for formal evening gowns, but that doesn’t mean they are your only choices. Short cocktail dresses have burst on the scene as a fun alternative to the lengthy dress, and they don’t appear to be going out of vogue anytime soon. Each style has its benefits, its detriments, and creates a specific impression.
Impression. Long evening gowns give off a Hollywood goddess mixed with Cinderella vibe, the kind of stuff found on red carpets or in fairy tales. Short dresses make a bit more casual, fanciful and altogether fun impression, although both of these are generalizations based on the length alone. Either length can be super-formal or super-sporty, depending on the overall style of the gown.
Benefits and detriments. If you’ve ever tried fast walking in a long, flowing dress, you’ve already experienced one of the detriments. Your range of movement can be limited in a floor-sweeping dress, but those same mounds of fabric can make it easier to hide heavy legs or other flaws. Short dresses make it easier to dance, prance and walk, but they can also make it easier to end up with a visible run in your stocking or scuff on your shoe.
Long and short gowns both come in a wide array of styles that can match your body type, so don’t use length as the end-all of your decision. Either length can make the cut, depending on the particular impression and dance moves you want to make.